Moving Beyond Change Management to Conscious Change Leadership

Discover what you need to become a successful executive change leader, and why change management is insufficient to support transformational change.

Leading transformational change can feel fast-paced, unpredictable, and uncontrollable. 

In this eBook, you will discover a new leadership paradigm, skills and methods to achieve breakthrough in business results, culture and leadership in all your complex organizational change efforts. Consider it your roadmap to conscious change leadership, helping you navigate the turbulent waters of transformation with clarity and purpose. 

Recommended for CEO’s, C-Suite executives, change sponsors, project managers, change managers, executive coaches, and other change leaders and professionals.



Move Beyond Change Management. Become a successful executive change leader.

A New Perspective on Change Leadership

In the past, change management sufficed when leaders knew their destination and the path was clear. However, in today's ever-changing business landscape, executives need to recognize the complexity of human and process dynamics in change. This recognition gave rise to change management, but it's not enough. Research shows that 60% to 70% of changes still struggle or fail. It's time for a new approach – Conscious Change Leadership.

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Introducing Conscious Change Leadership

Reactive leaders operate on autopilot, clinging to old habits, while conscious leaders are "awake at the wheel," navigating change with awareness and adaptability.

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Key Competencies for Conscious Change Leadership

To succeed in leading enterprise-level transformation, leaders need competence in four key areas:

  1. Integrated Transformational Change Strategy: Align change efforts with organizational and cultural requirements.
  2. Mindset Transformation: Shift leaders' and employees' mindsets to adapt to new challenges.
  3. Cultural Transformation: Identify and address shifts in cultural norms and practices.
  4. Process Leadership: Design, implement, and adapt the transformational change process.
The Power of Conscious Change Leadership

The Power of Conscious Change Leadership

Imagine leaders who aren't just aware but conscious, who comprehend the intricate processes of change at all levels, and who inspire co-creation and unlock the full potential of their teams.

Conscious Change Leadership elevates your ability to find innovative solutions to complex challenges, including transformational change. It equips you with the tools to navigate uncertainty with clarity and remain centered amidst chaos.

About the Authors

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Dr. Dean Anderson and Dr. Linda Ackerman Anderson

Dr. Linda Ackerman Anderson and Dr. Dean Anderson

Dr. Dean Anderson and Dr. Linda Ackerman Anderson are the pioneers of Conscious Change Leadership™ and are known as the “masters of transformation.”

For the last four decades they have continually challenged mainstream thinking about leadership, transformation and human performance to the C-suites of Fortune 500 companies and traditional global organizations like NATO.

Together they founded Being First, Inc., an organization that guides visionary leaders to transform themselves and their organizations to Achieve Breakthrough in business results, culture, leadership, and executive team performance, while building world-class change leadership capability.

Dean and Linda co-authored two cutting-edge books that have become classics in the field of organizational change: Beyond Change Management: How to Achieve Breakthrough Results through Conscious Change Leadership, and The Change Leader’s Roadmap: How to Navigate Your Organization’s Transformation, and are the co-developers of Conscious Change Leadership, The Breakthrough Process and The Change Leader’s Roadmap®.

Generate a radical paradigm shift in your approach to change.